Monday, March 24, 2008

So Far, So Long

Today's been a longish kind of day. Vacations always throw Bubba off, and this one's no exception. It's hard for him when I am stressed, but harder for me, knowing that being stressed is going to mess him up. Anyone with an autistic child knows what I'm talking about. They get in a routine, and get to the point where they know exactly what they are going to do from minute to minute, and it all flies out the window when they are sick or go on vacation.
So we've been on vacation since Friday, and plus on top of that, Dad has been home since Thursday on vacation from work. Which throws him off even more, because he KNOWS dad is supposed to be at work.
Dad doesn't seem to get it that Bubba doesn't function at the same level as other kids his age. His favorite phrase lately seems to be "Well, the other kids did (insert whatever here) by that age, so he should be too." Uh, hello? Did you miss all the evals and testing that we have had done? Do you not realize that when they say his IQ is around 50, that a typical child his age would be MUCH higher on the scale?? Yeah, I get frustrated too, looking at other kids his age, seeing them learn to read, feed themselves without making a mess, flushing the potty without crying and covering their ears. But you know what? I don't get time off to go out and do whatever, or go to work, because he needs me.
At the end of the day, who does he cry for when dad says bedtime? Me. I'm the one he comes too in the middle of the night when he wakes, because he knows dad will say, "the other kids slept through the night way before this age, just put him back in bed, he needs to sleep by himself sooner or later."
I wonder some days, if he will drive a car, go on a date, live on his own. Because let's face it, it looks kinda iffy right now. He is 7 years old, and not potty trained. He still doesn't sleep through the night. He can't ride a bike, walk around the block by himself, or put his own clothes on without help.
But he is a beautiful child, and he knows how to make me smile. He is gentle with Adrian, and with our dog. He likes walks, playing in the backyard. He loves Dora and Diego, Backyardigans, Scooby-Doo, and pretty much any small child/ baby type cartoons and various baby and small child toys (like his playskool vacuum cleaner that sings). He loves singing, even when he doesn't know the words. He finally has learned how to ride a big wheel bike. And most of all, he loves to cuddle, which can make my day when I'm down.

1 comment:

Leann I Am said...

You work so hard to take care of him and it seems to show. Bubba is lucky to have you.